Someone needs to tell the GOP Elites that politicians, lawyers, doctors, and lobbyists are not in style this election cycle.  They need to take their toys and go home.  The American people have  found out that the Elites are really thieves.

They didn’t tell us how much of this money went into their own pockets?

GOP Elites Blow $65 Million on Jeb Bush and His Failed Campaign

Jim Hoft

Jan 19th, 2016

GOP elites have blown $65 million on Jeb Bush so far this campaign cycle and have another $30 million to blow on his failed campaign.  Roll Call reported:

“The spectacular bust of Jeb Bush’s campaign for president so far is as much a story about Bush himself as it is about the failure of Right to Rise, the shock-and-awe super PAC that was supposed to launch him into the lead and keep him there.”
Right to Rise raised $103 million in 2015 and has spent more than $65 million so far. But nine months after he got into the race, Bush has collapsed from first to a tie for worst and is now polling at less than 5 percent nationally.

There’s no nice way to say this, and I’ll take it back if he wins, but Bush’s super PAC donors just wasted $103 million. It’s only made more mind-boggling by what all of that money could have paid for instead, including the sorts of things his family has always worked for. For $103 million, the donors could have:

** Bought 20 million children’s books for the Barbara Bush Foundation.
** Sent 22,421 4-year-olds to preschool for a year.
** Covered a year’s tuition for 10,624 students to go to college.
** Paid for a year of anti-retroviral drug treatment for 719,424 children in Africa. Read it again — 719,424 children.


About kommonsentsjane

Enjoys sports and all kinds of music, especially dance music. Playing the keyboard and piano are favorites. Family and friends are very important.
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