This is the height of hypocrisy! You don’t destroy or hide history, you try to learn from the mistakes which were made, Mayor Wharton.  This goes to show you how racist some people are and who continue to live in the past!  He was not a part of that period but wants to shovel that dirt for monetary purposes.  Some people with the encouragement of Obama and his administration just want to stir, stir because who knows they might get more bucks!  Why Obama might give him millions to dig up that old grave and then the mayor would probably split the funds with Obama.  Life is funny that way!  It is called “PAY TO PLAY.”

Memphis mayor: Dig up dead Confederate general and his wife.

Memphis mayor calls for desecrating the grave of Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest and wife.  Shame on him.  I wonder if he calls himself a Christian?  This is what I call  racism and those who hate so much – their spit has to be bitter –  and to think he is the mayor of Memphis.

On Thursday, A.C. Wharton, the mayor of Memphis, Tennessee, said he wants the bodies of Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest and his wife dug up and moved to another location, Todd Starnes reported. Starnes called it the “latest and perhaps most despicable example of the anti-Southern cleansing spreading across the nation.”

“Which African-American wants to have a picnic in the shadow of Nathan Bedford Forrest?” Wharton asked. He also wants a statue honoring the general torn down, Starnes added.  (Since when do people have a picnic in a grave yard?)

“These relics, these messages of this despicable period of this great nation, it’s time for those to be moved,” Wharton said. “I despise whatever the Confederacy stood for,” he added. “This is not just an ordinary monument. This is a monument to a man who was the avowed founder of the organization that has as its purpose the intimidation, the oppression of black folks.”  (Did he live in that period?)

Wharton’s call to desecrate the graves of Forrest and his wife comes in response to the recent shooting at a historic black church in Charleston, South Carolina. Nine people were killed in that shooting, and the suspect, Dylann Roof, is said to have displayed a Confederate battle flag on his vehicle, prompting many to call for what some have described as a “Stalinist” purge of anything connected to the Confederacy.

Members of the city council agree with Wharton, WMC Action News 5 said. Councilman Harold Collins said the Parks Committee discussed the same idea three years ago when several parks were renamed. Councilman Myron Lowery said is already discussing the issue with Council Attorney Allan Wade.

Not everyone is thrilled with the idea. The Sons of Confederate Veterans, for example, said the flag and the monument have no connection to the Charleston shooting.

“General Forrest was a revered member of society in Memphis,” said Sons of Confederate Veterans representative Lee Millar. “Very well-respected, and a military leader who is still studied worldwide in military academies today.”

“Aren’t these guys over it yet?” Millar told The Commercial Appeal. “Let’s worry about today’s problems, high crime, high taxes, low education. It just seems to me misguided priorities.”

“So now they want to disinter the dead?” Starnes asked. “What in God’s name is wrong with the mayor? What kind of sick, twisted person wants to dig up dead people?”

Starnes said he predicted that bans on the Confederate battle flag would lead to an all-out purge of Southern heritage. “And now,” he added, “there are literally hundreds of efforts underway to change the names of schools, parks, streets and buildings named after Confederate generals. Stores are banning the sale of Confederate merchandise.” Moreover, MSNBC’s Al Sharpton is demanding the military rename anything mentioning Confederate officers.

As we reported earlier today, Amazon — one of the retailers banning the flag — continues to sell items decorated with the Nazi swastika. One can even purchase “Hail Satan” wristbands from the online store.

“Gone With the Wind,” “Forrest Gump” and “The Dukes of Hazzard” have under attack, Starnes noted. And, he said, there “have been calls to banish grocery store items like Aunt Jemima Syrup and Uncle Ben’s Rice.” Now, they want to dig up dead bodies.

“I shudder to imagine what’s next in this Stalinist-style cultural purging of the Southern states,” he said. “President Obama suggested that racism was in our DNA (Since when is Obama qualified to talk about anyone’s DNA).   If that’s the case, it may not be that much of a stretch to imagine a day when activists demand that the descendants of Confederate soldiers be deported.”




About kommonsentsjane

Enjoys sports and all kinds of music, especially dance music. Playing the keyboard and piano are favorites. Family and friends are very important.
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