As you will note, I have updated this blog since I had to stop and attend church on TV. Now:


With the continuation of Soros/Obama’s BLM/Antifa harassing people in cities across the country because the Democrat attorney generals have locked into those gangs and are allowing this to continue with the help of the Democrat mayors and governors – it is time for AG Barr to step in and use the Constitution to stop these supposedly peaceful demonstrations as a ruse to enter the cities.

Enough is enough. These demonstrations are not peaceful and are causing harm to people and property. We are bending to 13 percent of the people who wish to do us harm to give them what they have not earned. It is time for the corporations to step up to the plate and quit bending every time these people belch.

America has given them a free ride through life in cities across the country – through their education, jobs, loans, etc., and they now want to take over the government with the help of Obama. This is what happens when people don’t earn what they have and won’t take care of what is given. Look at Democrat cities and tell me if they know how to run anything? They don’t want to share anything. A good example is – look at the sports arena and how they continue to demand more after being given more than others.

This is what happens when you spoil a person who hasn’t earned anything – all they want is more and more.

The head of the snake – Obama with the help of Soros – has never earned anything in his life and has bragged about it; and, following is his story of what is happening in our country. And, if AG Barr doesn’t recognize this and stop, immediately, all of this spoiled brat rioting and looting effect, then our country will not survive.

Are you going to allow 13% of the people control this country. It is time to stop the cowardness against the 13%. You can’t tell me that you have sent our military into countries all over the world to help them overcome situations such as this; but, sit idly by why this 13% is tearing up our own country.


Fake Pandemic Verified! Fraudulent Data Drives FAUXVID-19

Contents: Underlying Positions, Hypothesis, Team Update, Disclaimer, QAnon disclaimer, Timeline, Graphics

*Please find related graphics and images and the timeline at the bottom.

*If you are brand new, there are two recommendations as to where to begin catching-up and they are posted at the very bottom – one shorter than the other.


Please consider that the Making the Case for Treason sub-series is deliberately much more granular and comprehensive and therefore more burdensome to consume. It is NOT presented for fast uptake like a Twitter thread. That would be grossly irresponsible and entirely inappropriate and inadequate given the implications, consequences and ramifications of what we are asserting herein. That said and for full understanding, these articles are recommended to be consumed old-school style: sitting down, uninterrupted, start to finish and repeated until understood.

By design, this isn’t causal reading. My prior experience as an investigator and history teacher drive the approach and it is one rooted in preparing summary findings reports detailing investigations used to prosecute, arbitrate, settle, dispute, litigate, etc. The work is comprehensive and the details are granular and that’s exactly how it should be – we’re MAKING the case, which rests between talking about it and prosecuting it. Generally, it’s a demonstration of why it should be prosecuted.

All said, if you care to understand HOW and WHY the entire nation was sold-out in the worst way, those details must be fully examined to be fully understood.

Underlying Positions
The ENTIRETY of the COVID-19 pandemic functions on a broader timetable dating back years and converges contemporaneously with Flynn, Russia, Mueller, Ukraine and impeachment, whereby all of the latter are sub-components serving the former, which it itself is a sub-component to a broader plan by decades.

The criminality and corruption we’re seeing isn’t new – it’s decades-old planning that’s coming to manifest now and extends from the same power bases as the 9/11 false flag political construct and other events.

Obama’s criminality dates back to the beginning of his first term when he entered office assigned with an agenda to map his counterinsurgency doctrine over the US to infiltrate all three levels of government: local, state and federal.

Obama has been and continues to run point for a broader Globalist operation deeply entangled with the Clintons, Soros, Gates and a host of others.

Everything unfolding from the President’s administration is the execution of a contingency plan that is calibrated to the 2020 election cycle. That election cycle becomes the immediate primary timeline over which all others are laid. We establish this because everything before and after it rests on the crux of 03 Nov 20 – election day. The other drivers here are the timeline underpinning Obama’s exit from office and its deserved severe scrutiny specific the events occurring late Dec to mid-Jan 2017.

Everything we are seeing play-out as responsive from the Trump administration to COVID-19 is not a reaction by any means. Rather it’s reflective of steps within a pre-constructed contingency plan that was based and devised from intelligence indicating that this unavoidable (POTUS has little control over what bad actors do within the borders of it chief military, economic and diplomatic rival in China) false flag political construct was imminent. With adaptations for real world and real time considerations, President Trump is currently executing that plan, not responding to a fake pandemic. Understand that these two things exist in different universes.

Observe the messaging and social programming (a very real thing!) – who wears masks and when do they wear them? Fauci and Birx, the true usurpers of the President’s emergency powers, wear them while the President’s people do not. Pay attention to other subtle cues – the messaging is evident. Observes the sights and sounds emanating from TV. Notice how the formula is all the same – pulling on emotional heart strings to elicit a dopamine drop to trigger brain chemistry and set to the same jingly, emotion-invoking music that parallels the sights and sounds of casino brain science. The same brain science that is being leveraged against the American people to literally brainwash them into believing that the only way to stay safe is to hunker down at home; out of fear and unable to humanely connect with other humans. In other words, it’s social programming to accept your digitally (and legally) enforced slavery. Wake-up and resist.

President Trump wagging Fauci in front of the cameras weeks ago to force him to correct the record and own that every time he and Birx asked for anything, the President gave it to them the first time every time. HARDLY ANYONE TALKS ABOUT THIS. He’s making them own their usurpation of emergency powers on live TV. Now you know why Fauci and Birx often appear so uncomfortable and agitate when exposed to the right information. There will come a day people point specifically to that moment in time and for good cause.

FLYNN FIRST! as covered comprehensively in the previous articles and manifesting currently with the constructive Lawfare Group/Judge Sullivan amicus curiae brief maneuver. Importantly, we content per work at CTH that was not unmasked but rather the subject of a FISA warrant before his attachment to the Trump administration. Flynn was the first prioritized target and as of this article, he remains not only that, but he’s locked, loaded and ready to fully reengage. The amicus stunt is the coup d’etat Hail Mary with likely other contingencies waiting when this fails as it ultimately will. Flynn’s deep and broad knowledge of the vast criminality at hand remains the most critical aspect and division point between the past and current administrations and Flynn as a man represents the entirety of their own undoing. FLYNN FIRST!

Hypothesis (developed over time with emerging research):
Our hypothesis asserts that this political construct was inserted into President Trump’s administration during compulsory Obama/Trump transition meetings on 13 Jan 17. That’s the same day the MSM decided to release the cooked-up Flynn/Russia story preemptively and with Flynn taking part in those meetings. Unsurprisingly, the immediate talking points from Obama administration officials and others in-the-know were about the disrupted, off-kilter, reluctant and awkward nature of the meeting. How convenient for them to build their future MSM talking points into the meeting by designing and timing those dynamics. Since the insertion point, a mountain of correlated and interconnected evidence further propels this hypothesis as represented in this growing catalog of article.


This crime by Obama cannot be solved as long as AG Barr and his co-hearts are dragging their feet and as long as Barr doesn’t stop the Democrats’ BLM/Antif hoodlums from attacking our cities and looting and destroying our cities.


About kommonsentsjane

Enjoys sports and all kinds of music, especially dance music. Playing the keyboard and piano are favorites. Family and friends are very important.
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