
Google would you please stop interfering with this blog. Where are the Internet Police?

We know what Soros with the help of his son has done to President Trump and the trials and now he is trying to do the same thing in Texas AND THE REST OF THE U.S.. We don’t need this varmint in our state. Here is a photo bragging on what he did to Trump.

We need your help – a rat is in our midst and we must weed him out because he is trying to taint our state with his dirty money.

Soros is a member of the One World Order and his son are still fighting WWII after they lost. Soros’ money is also paying for all of the illegals coming into the country. Anyone taking Soros’ dirty money is tainted just like they are.


Alex Soros Admits Trump’s Conviction was Purely Political, Demands Dems to Label Him as a ‘Convicted Felon’ Non-Stop! (And when we do that we must include the above photo and state “paid thru the courtesy of the above Soros family – plus the father’s photo.”)

The following letter is seeking the attention of all citizens. Please respond:

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Remember the ALAMO!.


About kommonsentsjane

Enjoys sports and all kinds of music, especially dance music. Playing the keyboard and piano are favorites. Family and friends are very important.
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