
For your information:


Biden’s actions reek of betrayal.


Trust but verify. Are we sure this is Biden and not Obama? Are the Dem’s playing the ends against the middle?

This is why we need President Trump in office.


The International Criminal Court (ICC) is officially poised to issue arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Israel’s enemies are not only firing rockets and missiles; they are also waging lawfare to prosecute our ally.

Hamas is winning. Iran is winning.

And while Biden claims “ironclad” support for Israel, his actions – including holding up crucial military aid and empowering the ICC to prosecute Israel – reveal a different reality.The ACLJ just took international action, filing TWO critical written submissions at the U.N. to defend Israel and expose Iran’s plot to annihilate the Jewish state.

Two nations just responded to our demand letters calling for support of Israel. And JUST HOURS AGO, we delivered a demand letter to President Biden, urging sanctions against the ICC for waging lawfare on Israel.

We also filed an urgent FOIA to hold Biden accountable for his unconscionable betrayal.

Israel needs us. Sign our petition.Sign NOW: Defend Israel From Evil Attacks.Read: Tale of Two Letters – Nations Respond to ACLJ.

The Biden Administration is fueling the radical Left’s assault on our Christian faith.

An LA area government banned the renting of city-owned facilities for “religious worship” in direct violation of the First Amendment. We just sent the city a demand letter to protect our client. If the city doesn’t immediately reverse its infringing policy, we’ll take them to federal court.We’re fighting in court to defend your sacred freedoms – and winning – but we need you to take action with us.

SIGN: Defeat Biden’s War on Christian Faith.

READ: California City Bans ‘Religious Worship.

We’ve scored another victory over the Left’s surreptitious war on Christians. Earlier this month we sent a demand letter to a Kansas hospital that prohibited our client, an employee, from holding Bible studies anywhere on hospital property, even during breaks.After receiving our letter, the hospital backed down. Now hospital staff, including our client, are free to discuss the Bible and their faith in the hospital’s cafeteria or any other break rooms.

VICTORY: Hospital Reverses Bible Study Ban.

Iran is set to execute a young Jewish man who dared to defend himself from a deadly attack.When a mob of violent Muslims ambushed and stabbed him, Arvin Ghahremani defended himself and, in the scuffle, fatally stabbed one of his attackers.Iran is attempting to rush his execution because he is Jewish.

We submitted an emergency filing at the U.N. urging intervention to overturn this miscarriage of justice before it’s too late. Take action with us.

Sign NOW: Stop Iran From Executing Innocent Man.

REPORT: Iran To Execute Innocent Jewish Man.

God Bless,
The ACLJ Team

Are the Dem’s playing the ends against the middle?


About kommonsentsjane

Enjoys sports and all kinds of music, especially dance music. Playing the keyboard and piano are favorites. Family and friends are very important.
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