

The left should listen:

But if it is from God, you will not be able to stop these men; you will only find yourselves fighting against God.”


Former President Donald Trump Gets Great News

President of the United States Donald Trump speaking with attendees at the 2019 Student Action Summit hosted by Turning Point USA at the Palm Beach County Convention Center in West Palm Beach, Florida. Image Credit: Creative Commons

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How can Donald Trump skip a debate – and even take a horrible-looking mugshot that twenty years ago would have ended his political career – and have his poll numbers go up?

And yet, that is what has happened.

Donald Trump Gets Great News…

According to the new Morning Consult Poll, “Trump skipped the Republican Party’s first primary debate and scored headlines instead as he surrendered to Georgia authorities, producing a historic presidential mug shot that was nearly impossible to miss. Now, his party’s expected electorate is viewing him as even more electable against President Joe Biden than it did before.”

Morning Consult breaks this down even more:

According to our Aug. 24-27 survey, 62% of potential primary voters said they think Trump has the best chance of beating the Democratic incumbent. That is up 9 percentage points over the previous week, and matches a high in Morning Consult’s tracking of the question since April.

Their belief tracks with the Republican front-runner’s continued standing against Biden in a head-to-head test among the overall electorate.

Despite his escalating legal troubles, which he’s embraced with his campaign’s monetization of his mug shot, our daily tracking shows that Trump continues to poll neck-and-neck against Biden while Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis trails the incumbent.

On that note, just 13% of voters who indicated they plan to vote in a Republican primary or caucus in their state said DeSantis is most electable against Biden — matching a tracking low — while the share who said the same of entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy fell from 10% to 6% following his high-profile appearance in the debate.”

Speaking of the debate and Vivek, Morning Consult also added that:

“Ramaswamy, who remains the No. 3 contender for the Republican presidential nomination with 10% support, saw a boost in awareness among the GOP’s electorate following the first televised matchup, during which lower-polling rivals each lobbed fiery attacks on his credentials.

While Ramaswamy continues to be the third-most popular candidate among potential GOP primary voters, the share with negative views increased following his debate appearance as more voters became aware of him.”

Of course, after watching several of these presidential cycles now up close, the GOP nomination is still too early to call.

Donald Trump, of course, remains in the driver’s seat.

However, all bets are off if he is convicted of a crime.

And, keep in mind, he is right now up on 91 different charges.

The chances of him getting found guilty on at least one count and doing some sort of jail time seem high.

What happens then?

Much would depend on timing, but if you think 2016 was a crazy election cycle, 2024 will get far more interesting.



About kommonsentsjane

Enjoys sports and all kinds of music, especially dance music. Playing the keyboard and piano are favorites. Family and friends are very important.
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