The No Body Counts (NBC) news who are Obama’s mother suckers showed our former Canadian illegal alien Kamala Harris on the Colbert show mixing it up with the “manufactured news” diatribe.


When I saw her on the spectacle review of the part she played in the Kavanaugh hearing, it gave us what her character consisted of which was not a pretty picture and she is thinking of running for a 2020 presidency.

When someone has so much hate in their hearts and not being born and raised with American values, it tells me – it is time we elect more born and bred Americans who care about the country and its people. And, on top of that – she is so racists as indicated in these hearings.

When America elects a woman to run this country as we saw with Hillary Clinton – it has to be a woman with character and principle – not someone who came up the ladder with a shoddy liberal mindset.

We want a man or woman who was born and bred with American values and believes in the Constitution and laws – not some former Canadian liberal illegal alien.

We must put it all out on the table and tell it like it is because we don’t want another hating lying president like Obama who trolled the world spewing how much he hated America and its people (the world loved hearing him making fun of the people and the country) – and Harris comes from that hate camp.


About kommonsentsjane

Enjoys sports and all kinds of music, especially dance music. Playing the keyboard and piano are favorites. Family and friends are very important.
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